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SKU : RE-10005


Complete Well-being is a 7 Days rejuvenation program for men and women in high stress careers, leading a super busy life; physically and emotionally stressed. The program primarily emphasizes on removing toxins from your body and anxiety and restlessness from your mind.  The program takes you through a range of therapies, alternations in your existing diet plans, yoga, pranayam etc; (that you can practice at home) to transform and make your life, healthier, more fulfilled, stable, and calm from within. Complete Well Being is an inside-out Ayurveda based retreat that also awakens your spiritual quotient.

Concept & Philosophy:
According to research toxins are created due to accumulation of negative thoughts and emotions we create and feel in our day to day life, which causes various diseases at physical and emotional level.

The ultimate truth is that we’re meant to live a free, abundant, creative, empowered life; attain good health, inner peace, pursue happiness; spread good energies around, and become evolve humans. However while dealing with real life situations, we let negative emotions like anger, anxiety; insecurity, etc take over. We create shackles on pretext of social conditioning, fear, peer pressure, guilt, superstitions, narrow mindedness, etc which when go unattended over an extended period of time takes form of toxins and starts affecting our body by way of physical and emotional diseases.

These toxins become physical and emotional blocks; impact our perspective, and choices we make. This overall deteriorates quality of our life; affects our body, mind, and soul, causing numerous imbalances and diseases.

In this 7 day Complete Wellness Retreat our health experts will bring you face to face with many toxin causing conflicting situations that you face in your day to day life, and teach you techniques to overcome the same. You will learn to look inward, form mind-body connect, and deal with these toxin causing negative emotional blocks.

Participants will experience energized and wake up to the tremendous potential within; using their new found perspective to create a happy life for themselves and those around.

Who should join?
Everyone eager for an all organic health vacation may enrol, and learn to lead happy and a more wholesome and fulfilling life. Those suffering from any specific medical condition should inform us of the same. Our team of health experts deputed to attend to you, may ask for copy of scanned reports, that you are requested to furnish online. After studying your report, they will be able to create a more focused and effective plan for you.

Retreat Highlights
Personalised Swasthya consultation with an Ayurvedic Expert
Diet analysis
Prakruti analysis
Pranava Meditation
Sattvic diet
De Tox therapies
Ayurvedic  Massages
Shiro Dhara
Ear, nose and eye healing
Body wraps
Face therapy
Agniveda signature Abhyanga Snana
Mantra Meditation sessions
Fire therapy sessions
Yoga sessions
Hydrotherapy sessions
Aromatherapy sessions

Program Details
We shall take participants through a series of intense Ayurvedic de-tox therapies under the supervision of our health experts. It’s a stepwise process that cleanses your mind and body off the toxins. Once we bring you back to your natural rhythm, you will notice that your body begins to transform into a vessel that sets you on the path of progress and you experience peace and well being.
Your mind will experience calm and rest that you’ve not felt in a long time and you’ll discover limitless energy and potential within you. The program will not only help you to see for yourself what you’re capable of; you’ll also start creating and defining your own ways to lead your life.

The Complete Well Being retreat harmonizes, heals and transforms individuals and enables them to experience the mind, body and soul connection.
De Stress and De Tox
Lose unnecessary weight
Feel younger
Fresh and glowing skin
Better digestion and assimilation of food
Balanced appetite
Increased stamina
Peaceful mind
Sound sleep
Increased focus
Better concentration
Clarity of thought
Participants can follow the same diet plan and routines at home to bring a permanent improvement in the quality of their lives.
Duration & Cost 

Advanced 7 Days / per person

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