Intense Rejuvenation Program transforms & energizes your life and takes you back to basics. The holistic retreat works inside out for participants. Read about different therapies offered in various retreats here.
Introduction: The appearance of disease on the body is a sign of a malfunction somewhere deep within. Ayurveda believes that every action good or bad is related to the psychosomatic structure of our being. For example an addiction of any kind, be it of sleeping or pain killer pills, junk food, caffeine, or substance; it is not just a physical attachment to a chemical agent. The mind makes a decision to consume them even though it knows they’ll have a poor long term/ immediate impact on body. Eventually as the body shows signs of illness, we start treating the symptoms instead of having taken better decision or avoided the situation. Our mind plays a part in many such situations. All our actions are based on decisions made by our mind either under duress or due to lack of information and facts. Anxious and depressed state of the mind leads to eating disorders, alcohol, and substance abuse etc which cause many major illnesses. Modern way of living takes heavy toll on our minds and bodies causing physical and mental stress. And we know that stress is a physical manifestation of disease which is showing in people of all age-groups. Discover Health is an extended retreat (14 days) which tries to resolve issues off their root.
Concept & Philosophy The body has a natural healing mechanism to fight illness. But stressed and wrong lifestyle choices create and accumulate toxins in our body which creates a hurdle in our natural healing system. Disover Health is on the lines of Complete Well Being retreat…a lot more intense though. It not only cleanses your body and mind but also nourishes your soul, inculcates a fresh new balanced perspective to look at life unto you. The therapies heal and provide nutrition to the body while they cleanse toxins. Several rounds of these therapies combined with a more apt diet plan, yoga and pranayam sessions under expert guidance adds great impact.
These toxins become physical and emotional blocks; impact our perspective, and choices we make. This overall deteriorates quality of our life; affects our body, mind, and soul, causing numerous imbalances and diseases. In this 7 day Complete Wellness Retreat our health experts will bring you face to face with many toxin causing conflicting situations that you face in your day to day life, and teach you techniques to overcome the same. You will learn to look inward, form mind-body connect, and deal with these toxin causing negative emotional blocks.
Participants will experience energized and wake up to the tremendous potential within; using their new found perspective to create a happy life for themselves and those around.
Who should join? Everyone eager for an all organic health vacation may enrol, and learn to lead happy and a more wholesome and fulfilling life. Those suffering from any specific medical condition should inform us of the same. Our team of health experts deputed to attend to you, may ask for copy of scanned reports, that you are requested to furnish online. After studying your report, they will be able to create a more focused and effective plan for you.
Retreat Highlights Personalised Swasthya consultation with an Ayurvedic Expert Diet analysis Prakruti analysis Pranava Meditation Sattvic diet De Tox therapies Ayurvedic Massages Shiro Dhara Ear, nose and eye healing Body wraps Face therapy Agniveda signature Abhyanga Snana Mantra Meditation sessions Fire therapy sessions Yoga sessions Hydrotherapy sessions Aromatherapy sessions
Program Details We shall take participants through a series of intense Ayurvedic de-tox therapies under the supervision of our health experts. It’s a stepwise process that cleanses your mind and body off the toxins. Once we bring you back to your natural rhythm, you will notice that your body begins to transform into a vessel that sets you on the path of progress and you experience peace and well being. Your mind will experience calm and rest that you’ve not felt in a long time and you’ll discover limitless energy and potential within you. The program will not only help you to see for yourself what you’re capable of; you’ll also start creating and defining your own ways to lead your life.
Benefits: The Complete Well Being retreat harmonizes, heals and transforms individuals and enables them to experience the mind, body and soul connection. De Stress and De Tox Lose unnecessary weight Feel younger Fresh and glowing skin Better digestion and assimilation of food Balanced appetite Increased stamina Peaceful mind Sound sleep Increased focus Better concentration Clarity of thought Participants can follow the same diet plan and routines at home to bring a permanent improvement in the quality of their lives. Duration & Cost
This program has helped people who suffered from conditions like blood sugar, joint pain; acidity, insomnia etc resume a regular normal life. This program is also for people who lead a busy, stressed, & unhealthy life, work 16 hours a day, travel extensively, follow erratic schedules, have no time to exercise, of late have been generally feeling unhealthy, are recovering from physical or emotional illness, want to slow down, look within, start on a healthier routine…
Program Details: Discover Health (DH) is a 2 week (14 days) Rasayana or Rejuvenation retreat. We customize batches and therapies to suit individual’s condition. The individual program will be approached as holistically as we do with our regular batch-programs (small groups). All treatments here are 100% natural and organic. While the De Tox and rejuvenation therapies, which are part of Ayurvedic Panchakarma, polish, heal and cleanse the body; the meditation and Pranayama sessions calms your mind. This results in one to have a healthy body, positive mind, and a spiritual perspective towards life. Our experienced holistic practitioners will identify therapies for you based on your condition that will help to transform and channelize the accumulated toxins into positive energy at physical, emotional, and spiritual levels. Those suffering from any serious physical ailments are requested to discuss their cases with our doctors and by sending photocopies of medical reports individually over email or phone before enrolling.
Benefits Improves overall health & resistance Drop in disease parameters and symptoms Increased resistance to diseases Regains fitness Helps in Evolving at Spiritual LEvel Stimulates Creativity Mind Empowerment Personal Growth Restores Tranquility Helps to develop positive outlook towards life Duration & Cost